Hi Brett,

This is a wonderful summary of Mill’s progress to date, and a great article to share with others who are not familiar with what is about to occur, the total clean energy transformation of the planet! Again, great work here.

BTW, I really enjoyed your PodCast of the Parker Probe!

Kind Regards,

—Dan Evans

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Thanks Dan! Yeah it is kinda an introductory piece...

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Hi Brett.

I'm more than familiar with your work and obviously Mills' & Brilliant Light Power.

Nothing here I haven't read before, but always good to re-read and forward on to anyone tha may not be familiar with this.


When is the new book available? Update of 2016? (Search For Hydrino Energy?)


Does anyone discuss the potential 'dark side' to this technology? Sorry!

But weaponisation, interest from black ops, military complex...the potential for a new arms race?

Also such a disruptive technology (a new energy source!), has major geo-political ramifications! Oil, gas, major corporations, intelligence agencies... None of this is ever discussed (at least not publicly).

I understand that Mills has people like Amb. James Woolsey as advisory board member (I've heard many of his board are current and former CIA)... Which is understandable for many reasons.


I love theorising about the future of space travel and warp drives as much as anyone else... But c'mon man, this is the most powerful technology in human history, let's not be naive about the way our civilization works. 🤷

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Hi Danny,

I don't have a specific date yet, although I am on the final editing pass!

In the new edition I discuss the disruptive impact it may have on nations that heavily rely on fossil fuel exports. I don't speculate on military applications, although I'm sure that humans will invent new and exciting ways to blow each other up.

I'm not sure what hydrino power would add to the terror that is the existing global nuclear arsenal. Maybe it would make military tech cheaper, but not necessarily any more scary.

Nuclear war used to be (before global warming) the thing people worried about the most, and it has should still be, because the threat has not gone away.

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There'll be people in black ops programs already developing this theory of physics... Without a shadow of a doubt.

That's not Mills' fault or any other scientist collaborating or using his work publically...

But the reality is this theory has been around in its inception since 1988? It came from a military program ('Star Wars', which Mills freely admits)...

Every great discovery in history has always been a double edged sword... This is the greatest discovery in human history? 🤷

Everything from unlimited energy, to genetics to drug design, exotic materials to anti-gravity.

What scares me is that such a discovery is still unnoticed by mainstream science, whilst people behind the scenes will be decades advanced in research.

Such power in the hands of the few? A new arms race?

"Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good." - J.R.R. Tolkien

Looking forward to the new book though! I purchased the last one five or six times, and kept handing it out to people! 😃

(Make it reasonable price because I'll probably end up do the same! 😂)

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Sep 14·edited Sep 15Author

Hi Danny,

Mills may have been thinking about the problem of the free electron laser, but I don't think he had a research grant as part of the Star Wars program.

I am curious to see how foreign states react to the existence of a technology too valuable to patent. Probably they will copy it without qualms.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

'Foreign states, copy it without qualms' = The Chinese

'nations that heavily rely on fossil fuel exports' = OPEC

'NGO's to explore defense applications' = Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman

'former employee who went on to work in Washington DC in the arena of national security' = Pentagon mole


Now that we cleared that up a little, I'll try and comment on GUT-CP & the potential global benefits to our civilization and scientific understanding.

One aspect that many don't mention, I think you mention it briefly in first edition of Search For Hydrino Energy... Millsian Inc.

A molecular modelling software? Drug design, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, genetics, material design at a molecular level.

Has anyone progressed this avenue of research? Medicine? Any major discoveries made by using this software?

Potential discoveries, disruptive technologies or inventions that you can foresee?

Any interest from any major players?

A topic for another podcast and article?

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Not to my knowledge, and it would still take some additional programming to utilize it for specific applications. But yeah, maybe there is a podcast there about molecular physics!

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